
Photographic memory: 5 curiosities of the Milk Drop Coronet Photo


Milk Drop Coronet

MIlk Drop Coronet Photo

 "Seconds, there it is, sometimes it's no use at all, sometimes it's a tremendous value." Harold Edgerton

1. The photography was taken by Harold Edgerton in 1957.

2. Edgerton worked for years to perfect his photographs with drops of milk, many of which were in black and white. In fact, one of its versions was exposed in the MOMA, in New York, in 1937.

3.- At the time the photograph was made it was impossible to capture an image in the dark without a very heavy equipment.

4. At that timeneither mechanism had been discovered that would make possible the capture of a fleeting moment.

5.-Harold Edgerton created his own devices to take the photo, combining high-tech strobe lights with camera shutter motors, this equipment allowed him to capture moments imperceptible to the naked eye.

Source. Time magazine.




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