
Jovana Rikalo and the art of capturing emotions with a camera


Jovana Rikalo is a photographer who focuses mainly on creating idyllic scenarios for her photographs and telling stories through them. Her aim is that although what we see in the photograph does not seem real feel like such. Jovana loves to talk about capture feelings with her camera. She use impressive story sets to move us to another world and with that breathtaking beauty she wants to transmit emotions, make those who observe their photographs feel.


scene jovana rikalo

unclear love jovana rikalo

jovana rikalo bird

dont let anybody destroy you instead of burn shine jovana rikalo

your life is your garden jovana rikalo

too close but yet so far jovana rikalo

new chapter jovana rikalo

You can see more about Jovana Rikalo's work on her website jovanarikalo.comor Instagram.

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