
Happy birthday, Nikon!


Not every day is 100 years.Nikon knows this and that is why he has decided to celebrate it all the way.Fans of the brand already have available a whole line of special products to mark the centennial of NIkon, but in addition Nikon has opened its own museum and has created awebsiteto share all the news related to his birthday.


The celebration has allowed us to know stories like Mr. Braczko's, a German photojournalist whose love for the brand has led him to name his son "Nikon".When explaining the reasons for the election, he argues that "it was an obvious choice because Nikon is my life."Mr. Braczko's son says that although he did not use much Nikon at first, since his first name is Felix, he discovered the potential of his curious name in the University, where he saw that it was an excellent weapon to start a conversation withstrangers, urging them, when asked what their name was, to guess.

felix nikon

Photograph of the son of Mr. Braczko's, Felix Nikon, aged 7

Nikon has also prepared a movie to celebrate his birthday in which he summarizes the history of the brand in these 100 years.


Happy birthday, Nikon! 

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